Aged Care Projects
The team have completed many transport studies for proposed aged care developments, and now bring this experience to urbii. Services offered include traffic reporting, site layout review and car park assessment. Aged care projects ranged from independent living units, retirement villages to high-care facilities. Aged care is typically a low traffic-generation land use and the peak hour is usually during the afternoon shift-change period, which frequently coincides with the afternoon weekday school peak hour. Key factors for consideration on these projects is the parking provision for staff and visitors, waste collection and delivery management.
Urbii prepared a Transport Impact Statement report for the proposed redevelopment of the Amana Living aged care facility in Kinross. As part of this work, Urbii reviewed the access and egress system, on site traffic cirulation and parking layout. Urbii also undertook extensive swept path analysis for coaches, waste trucks, delivery trucks and large buses to ensure satisfactory turning circles.
braemer gardens, bicton
Urbii prepared a Transport Impact Statement report for the proposed redevelopment of the Breamer Gardens aged care facility in Bicton. As part of this work, Urbii reviewed the access and egress system, on site traffic cirulation and parking layout. Urbii also assessed the access to the site for alternative modes of transport.
St judes aged care, Guildford
Urbii prepared a Transport Impact Statement report for the proposed redevelopment of St Judes aged care facility in Guildford. As part of this work, Urbii reviewed the access and egress system, on site traffic cirulation and parking layout. Urbii assessed the access to the site for alternative modes of transport. Urbii also undertook parking calculations for the propsed redevelopment.
other projects
Catholic Homes ACF, Belmont
Opal RACF, Halls Head
Amana Living Aged Care, Parry House
Opal Aged Care, Secret Harbour
25 Mount Henry Road Aged Care, Salter Point