Urbii is a transport planning and traffic engineering consultancy in Perth, Western Australia


Our Mission

Urbii was founded in 2018 to provide a people-friendly transport planning and traffic engineering service. Whether you are from the private sector, local government, a non-profit organisation or state agency, we appreciate and value the opportunity to work together as a team to design and implement holistic traffic and transport solutions



Traffic Reporting

We work with our partners in the private sector on Development Applications. We prepare Transport Impact Statements (TIS) for smaller projects and Transport Impact Assessments (TIA) for larger projects. All reports are prepared in accordance with WAPC Guidelines. Let us help you with your project


Transport Modelling and Analytics

Our team of transport modelling experts can deliver traditional 4-step models using time-tested modelling techniques. We can also undertake microscopic simulation modelling to suit your needs. We are experts in SIDRA Network analysis to inform appropriate intersection design

Transport Planning

Transport Planning

We are passionate about sustainable transport planning initiatives. Specialising in Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Integrated Transport Plans and Sustainable Transport Assessments. Let us help you deliver sustainable and innovative transport solutions for your next project

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Swept Path Analysis

We can undertake expert swept path analysis for all vehicle types, ranging from small cars to the largest of road trains. Let us help you with design of your site layout to ensure vehicles can circulate efficiently and safely

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We can prepare detailed parking strategies ranging from city-wide studies to the preparation of parking management plans for individual developments. We are also specialists in undertaking parking surveys, analysis and reporting. We can provide expert design input to ensure your project is compliant with Australian Standards for Parking AS2890


Road Safety

We support and value safe system principles in traffic engineering. Our team and partners can undertake Road Safety Audits of existing and proposed sites. We can also assist local government with black spot funding submissions and LATM road safety improvements.

Image source: Safer Roads, Safer Queensland: Queensland's Road Safety Strategy 2015–21

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We encourage cycling as a sustainable transport mode and can assist with bicycle network planning, WABN funding applications, bike plans, safe active streets, shared path design and provision of bicycle parking and end of trip facilities

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Pedestrian catchment analysis assists with identifying important pedestrian links at a strategic planning level. We also provide detailed assessment and design of different pedestrian facilities including paths and crossings. We have a particular interest in pedestrian safety including sight lines, flashing amber lanterns and countdown timers

Public Transport

We can assist with public transport planning and engineering for rail, bus, ferry and other modes. From high level strategy development, modelling and analysis, to more detailed engineering and design

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Traffic Management Plans

We partner with Main Roads accredited Roadworks Traffic Managers (RTM). RTM accreditation is the highest accreditation that can be achieved in WA and given to traffic management professionals with the most knowledge, skills and experience in the traffic management industry


Community and Stakeholder Consultation

We can assist with presentation of concept designs at workshops and can facilitate other productive community and stakeholder consultation

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We have the capabilities to prepare advanced data visualisation and analytics. Our suite of powerful tools will help communicate complex sets of traffic and transport data in easy to understand, great looking visualisations