Civic and Community Projects

Civic and community projects are often complex endeavours with multiple stakeholders. Projects are wide ranging and include uses such as libraries, community centres, art galleries, parks and open space, places of worship, community markets and other public buildings

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Bunbury Civic and Cultural Precinct

Paul Ghantous, Principal at urbii, undertook this project for the City of Bunbury. The City wished to develop a Civic and Cultural Precinct within the CBD adjacent to the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) which will include:

• a multi-deck car park;

• Wittenoom Street shared space between Prinsep Street and Wellington Street;

• Public Parkland (Gallery Square); and,

• Gallery space.

Most of the off-street car parking within the precinct will be consolidated in the proposed multi-deck car park on the western portion of the site. An interim yield of approximately 325 bays is proposed, with an option for future expansion delivering a total of 600 car bays. The scope of work spanned desktop traffic modelling, assessing several options for configuration of Wittenoom St, parking demand forecasting and review of car park layout

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Manning Hub Community Centre

Paul Ghantous, Principal at urbii, undertook a traffic impact assessment for the proposed Manning Community Centre bounded by Bradshaw Crescent, Conochie Crescent and Welwyn Avenue in the City of South Perth.

The traffic impact assessment included analysis of the proposed site access, egress and the operation of the site crossovers. A safety sight line assessment of the proposed access location was also undertaken as part of this project.

The Manning Community Hub entailed redevelopment of the site into a mixed use Community Centre. The Manning Community Hub was proposed to accommodate many of the existing uses at the site and a number of new community uses. The client was City of South Perth

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Rocky Bay Mosman Park

Paul Ghantous, Principal at urbii, prepared a Transport Impact Statement and Parking Assessment Report to support the proposed redevelopment and expansion of Rocky Bay in Mosman Park. The new development was proposed to improve access to facilities and programs for existing clients and staff for this important organisation

List of civic and community projects

  • Les Hansman Community Centre (microsimulation modelling)

  • City Beach Surf Club

  • Lord’s Sports Centre, Jolimont

  • Non-profit pop up drive in Cinema in Cockburn - undertaken pro-bono for Ayla INC