Parking Projects
The team at urbii has extensive experience in all facets of car parking design, management, analysis and investigation. Quite often a development seeks to promote alternative modes of transport such as public transport, cycling and walking. Urbii can undertake parking surveys and prepare parking assessment reports to support variations in parking provision. Urbii also have extensive experience in review parking layout and providing technical support for car park design.
Urbii undertook a site review and feasibility assessment for a proposed drive thru addition at this existing restaurant tenancy. The key issues that were addressed in this review included existing traffic volumes during peak drive-thru trading hours, access and egress movement patterns, circulation through the proposed drive-thru, crash history and opportunities and constraints for the proposal. A video survey was undertaken of the driveway and swept path sketches prepared.
Lot 259 Thor street, innaloo
Urbii prepared a Transport Impact Statement report for the proposed project for Lot 259 Thor Street in Innaloo. As part of this work, Urbii has been engaged to review the concept plan, provide technical advice on the placement and clearance requirements of the turntable and to prepare a brief technical note detailing the outcomes of the review.
13 cloister Ave, como
Urbii prepared a Transport Impact Statement report for the proposed project for 13 Cloister Ave in Como. As part of this work, Urbii has been engaged to review the concept plan, provide technical advice on the location of the driveway, assess the driveway against the requirements of the R-Codes and other relevant standards and to prepare a brief technical note detailing the outcomes of the review.
Other projects
303-305 Main street, Balcatta